Destiny Deep Dive Training
Maximize the Power of Destiny Platform with One-of-a-Kind Training
Save 20% until 9/30/24!
About Deep Drive Training:
Get the most out of the Follett Destiny platform with exclusive recorded training sessions for Destiny Library Manager and Destiny Resource Manager. With more than 9 hours of insightful content, these specialized training sessions will empower educators to maximize the impact of resources inside and outside of the library, ultimately providing a better education to students.
These recorded trainings are available 24x7, to learn at a time and pace convenient to you! Receive on demand access within 48 hours of purchase. Your subscription is good for one year.
Topics Covered:
- Maximize your library and non-library resources
- Optimize your investment with custom reports
- Use Destiny to collaborate with your entire school community
- Save money by sharing resources with the Advance Booking feature
- And much more
This training is ideal for:
- New users with self-paced foundational training
- Experienced users who require more comprehensive training to advance their knowledge and usage of Destiny and all it has to offer.